What is Gentle Haven Music? -
Since this is a first post on this new website, I would like to provide a little context to you, the reader.
I'm building a business for aspiring musicians to get a web-presence. Many musicians struggle with getting their music listened to and distributed or sold.
The name of the new business I'm building is called: Gentle Haven Music, A safe place for musicians to play! Since I've been working in the Information Technology field, I've seen a huge evolution of the music industry and how music is promoted/published/distributed.
What better way to get an artist's works out there than to build a website to do it with! Thus, the blending of music and technology.
Please take a look at our Gentle Haven website and see if there's something we can help you with. I think there are more musicians around who would benefit from the exposure that a web presence would give than they realize.
By the way, you can also get some tips from our website on how to get your music seen in the blog.
Building your chops the fun way -
Having said all that, I would like to introduce my blog on this website: Guitar Artistry - the Goolsby way.
You're probably wondering: So what can this guy possibly know that a bazillion other guitar players already do? Well, that's a good question!
I've been playing guitar now for many decades as a solo artist, in duets, trios, bands, jazz choirs, and yes, even at a funeral! To say that my experience is diverse would be somewhat of an understatement.
There are so many little aspects about learning how to play a stringed instrument that I would like to share so this is my way of doing it.
Stay tuned, I'll post more content as soon as I decide what the best subject to start with is!